Friday 7 December 2007

Some ideas for setting up a successful Role Play area

After choosing a scenario for your Role Play area:

· Watch DVDs or Videos relating to the topic so that the children can get some ideas.
· If possible organise a visit to e.g. a hairdresser, garage etc.
· Brainstorm with the children to get their ideas – what did they see in the video/during the visit/prior knowledge?
· Develop the role play area from the children’s ideas because this is what gets them motivated.
· Put up lots of signs labeling things to generate conversation and get the children reading.
· Try to have an adult available to work with the children (depending on the type of role play area).
· Collecting props, finding stories and making labels all goes towards making the role play area a success.
· The learning takes place when children are engaging in self chosen activities.
· Modeling ways to play in the area by the teacher or T.A. also goes towards making this area a success.

This will take time but remember the more time you invest in this the more successful it will be.

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